At Home Program Medical Benefits

Last updated on March 5, 2025

At Home Program Medical Benefits provides a range of medical equipment, supplies and benefits for eligible children and youth who would otherwise need to stay in the hospital if they didn't have them. This includes things like:

  • Medical equipment
  • Bio-medical equipment
  • Orthotics and splints
  • Audiology equipment and supplies
  • Medical supplies
  • School-aged extended therapies
  • Dental/orthodontic and optical benefits
  • Medical transportation (Regular transportation costs are not covered - the appointment, trip or medical expense must be directly related to your child's disability)

Families and service providers should refer to the At Home Program Guide for comprehensive information about AHP Medical Benefits including requesting processes, warranties and repairs, invoicing and payments.  

PharmaCare:  Children and youth enrolled in At Home Program Medical Benefits are covered by PharmaCare (Plan F). Plan F coverage may include:

  • Prescription medications prescribed by a physician and approved by PharmaCare
  • Some orthotics and prosthetics
  • Needles and syringes for insulin-dependent diabetics
  • Blood glucose testing strips for individuals with a certificate of training from a recognized diabetic training centre

Get information about PharmaCare coverage:

School-Aged Extended Therapy (SAET)  

Occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech language therapy services may be available to assist families with the cost of purchasing out-of-school direct (one-to-one) therapy services to:  

  • Assist in the maintenance or improvement of functional skills 
  • Address post-surgical rehabilitation needs 
  • SAET services enhance the primary OT and PT services made available through the SAT program and school district SLP services 

If you live in Kelowna or the North Coast / Bulkley Nechako areas, you have options for how your family accesses SAET-related supports and services. For more information see Medical Benefits in the Pilot Areas.

Resources for submitting requests and or receiving benefits

Medical Benefits require pre-approval and are paid for directly by the program or are available through our product distribution centre. Parents and caregivers may be reimbursed for eligible medical transportation.

Regular dental and medical expenses and transportation costs are not covered - the appointment, trip or medical expense must be directly related to your child's disability.  

Delivery: After a request for medical supplies has been approved, supplies can be ordered monthly. Contact the Product Distribution Centre:

Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit is a safe and dependable way to receive payments.  Using this method, your payments will be deposited directly into your bank account and help you to avoid delays and lost or stolen cheques.

Portal for Service Providers

The Service Provider Portal is a secure interface for Service Providers to access self-service options such as creating and submitting invoices and viewing the status of authorizations and payments.

Guidelines for Service Providers

Recycle Medical Equipment

Medical equipment that is no longer needed can be repaired, cleaned and recycled for the benefit of other families.

Contact information

Contact Medical Benefits for more information.

PO Box 9763 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9S5